Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WOD 012810

(Chia, Joe, Doug)

1 minute each, 3X through

Dumbbell pushpress
Box Jumps
Kettlebell swings

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

WOD and Run to Work

Back to running to work and back. A little breezy with the blowing snow this morning but the run home was quite comfortable. Screw-shoes served me well this morning but not really needed in the afternoon.

Chia and I did a late-in-the day Impromptu 500 Workout at Possum Corner:
50 pushups (wide)
50 air squats
50 crunches
50 supermans
50 leg lifts
50 dumbbell pushpresses
50 (more) crunches
50 pushups (narrow)
50 dumbbell alternating curls
50 dumbbell skull crushers

Tomorrow Doug has promised to bring a killer workout to Possum Corner and I'm running to work again. Except for a couple of Amstel Lights I've done a pretty good job at sticking to the Paleo plan the last couple of days and I've been putting away the sunflower seeds in lieu of the Skoal.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Back at It (Part 2)

I will apologize once again for being a poor correspondent and resolve to be more dedicated to posting on a more near-daily basis. Here's what you've missed:

My nutrition has been marginal. I sort of extended the holiday eating period from the Saturday before Thanksgiving to last Friday night's pork roast and mashed potatoes at Randy and Susan's. Not to even mention an entire week last week of Mexican food in somewhat-sunny San Antonio, TX.

My battle with the Skoal brotherhood has had it's ups and downs also. It mostly began with a screening of "The Hurt Locker" over at Nate's house a week ago last Friday. I can't seem to watch a movie about grunts without dipping. Anyhow, I'm off the Skoal again and back on the seeds. Stay tuned.

I have been doing some running and did a few nice runs around the Riverwalk while in San Antonio last week. I stopped at Fleet Feet St. Charles and Josh helped me get into a new pair of Asics to replace the New Balance 851s that have been discontinued. I did a little 7-miler around the Glenwood Hood yesterday while on call and they felt "OK". He also suggested some insole inserts to correct the rotation of my foot and I didn't run with those in yet, so we'll see.

David Kimler, an ultrarunner from Memphis posted on the SLUGlist he is looking for someone to share driving expenses to Leadville this year and I may take him up on that. More to follow.

In the immediate future I'm planning a 25 to 30 mile run this weekend. Either going down to St. Louis to hit Greenrock or hit up the Yours Truly 50K, or I may trek over and try out the Riddle Run in Mahomet, IL.

Lastly, I'm endeavoring to get back at the Crossfitting. As you know I really believe that the cross-training played a big part in my success in Heartland 100-Mile and the OT100 is going to be all the more challenging. So we (Chia, Doug, Mary, April, Janet, JM?) need to get back at it!

Stay tuned............

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

WOD 1/5/10

21-15-9 For Time
(Joe and Doug)

Air Squats
Box Jumps

The running to work in the bone-chilling cold is awesome. I've layered up and stayed toasty warm the last 2 days. The only hitch is the cold makes my eyes water and then my eyelashes freeze together so I try to blink fast.

The Paleo Pursuit is so-so, but I've done a reasonable job staying off the Skoal. I'm trying to moderate my caloric intake because I know I've got a big pizza-and-beer night coming up on Saturday!

Monday, January 4, 2010

COLD Running!

As I gird my loins to head out into the cold, dark, windy morning I thought I would share this link my dad sent me regarding winter running:

The Winter Runner

I'm doing up 4 layers on top, 2 on the bottom and 2 pairs of gloves, a fleece liner and a Goretex Winstopper glove over that. Topped off with a thick stocking cap and a neck/face gaitor, the only real exposure is my eyes. I guess we'll see if my eyelashes freeze together!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

I apologize for being a poor blogger and not posting regularly over the holidays. We were amazingly busy at work and 4 of the 5 days last week the only workout I got in was my 5 mile round-trip run to work!

I resolve to be more disciplined about posting on a nearly-regular basis in the New Year!

As for today and the near future it's awfully cold and ice-slicked out there. I've been running to work in my "screw shoes" as originally described by Matt Carpenter. But these don't work as well on ice-slicked asphalt as they do on concrete or dirt packed with snow. So for the weekend I'm staying off the ice and cross-training, but come Monday it's back to the screw shoes and running to work!