Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas WOD

20 Minutes on the Versaclimber, 170 fpm/17" strokes

December 25th 25'er
25 barbell squats
25 pushups
25 back extensions
25 lunges
25 dumbbell curls (each side, totals 50)
25 crunches
25 skull crushers
25 hanging leg raises

Thursday, December 17, 2009

WOD 12/17/09

300 Once Through for Time
(Joe only)
50 air squats
50 pushups
50 25# DB one-hand snatches
50 lunges (25/side)
50 crunches
50 burpees w/pushup

No workout yesterday (rest day) except for the 5 mile run to work and back. Fairly decent Paleo eating yesterday, no dairy, grains or beer. Still on the seed, no Skoal for 12 days now!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

WOD 12/15/09, Howgozit & Pictures of Hero

AMRAP 20 minutes
(Joe and Steve only!)
10 Box Jumps
20 Pushups
30 Crunches

I followed this with a run to work in 16-degree darkness with a brisk 16 mph wind blowing in my face out of the north. Cold. Dark. Pain.

I'm back on the pseudo-Paleo wagon with minor indiscretions including a sprinkling of shredded cheese here and there and a cold Fat Tire with my steak at D'Arcy's Pint.

Lastly, Brotherhood-wise I've been holding my own for a solid 10 days now. Love me some seeds!

Here's a little peek at the subject of my upcoming story about Hero: click here for a photo page from his recent half-marathon!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Back On Line and Stories to Come

Back on line after more than a week away. I did a fair amount of overeating and general slacking the last week or so while kicking back with the Penningtons in Glastonbury, CT. I managed to get in one Crossfit workout and 5 miles/day on most days on Tric's wonderful treadmill. Not a feat by any stretch and probably not even enough to maintain my somewhat out of round condition, but surely better than nothing.

So I return refreshed, renewed and re-motivated. We got back to Crossfitting this morning with a plate Tabata (Mary, Steve, Janet and I) and once I get my collective crap back in one sock I'm back to running into work tomorrow.

Up coming blogs will feature the origin of "Nut Up or Shut Up" as well as the related story of Hero and his underwear's encounter with a Navy SEAL platoon and how he (Hero) got me into running and endurance sports so many years ago. Stay tuned.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Taste The Pain

Yikes! Did I go off the reservation last night or what! We had our first winter neighborhood get-together at BWW last night and I ate and drank like a total pig.

Over the course of 2 hours I consumed:
5 servings of Fat Tire @ 159 kcal/ea = 795 kcal
12 boneless wings @ 88 kcal/ea = 1056 kcal
1851 kcal consumed in 2 hours!

And....wait for it...3 dips of Skoal, FFS!

I don't know how to rationalize this behavior or rectify it with my stated goal of better nutrition to improve my running. Moreover, this was the 4th night in a row of dining out, which means eating late, which for mean means waking up at 3:00 a.m. with an aching gut. (I'm writing this at 0430 Saturday, I've been up since 0315).

I had the sense to throw out the can of Skoal last night but recovering from eating and drinking like that means a Coke and a plate of spicy/greasy food for me. So, I just polished off a plate of bacon and a cheddar cheese omelet smothered in Frank's Hot Sauce and washed it down with an ice cold Coke. In 90 minutes I head out into the 19-degree predawn darkness to run 20 miles with Steve and Doug. Taste The Pain.

I love my friends and neighbors and thoroughly enjoyed each of my nights out this week, but I can't continue to do this and hope to be successful at training for something like the OT100. Somebody, for the love of God, help me!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

WOD At Possum Corner 12/3/09

25-Pound Plate Tabata
(Steve and Joe)

Plate Thrusters
Upright Rows
Skull Krushers
Bentover Rows

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

WOD 12/01/2009 at Possum Corner

AMRAP 20 minutes
(Joe & Doug)

10 Box Jumps-24" box
15 pushups
20 crunches