Tuesday, December 15, 2009

WOD 12/15/09, Howgozit & Pictures of Hero

AMRAP 20 minutes
(Joe and Steve only!)
10 Box Jumps
20 Pushups
30 Crunches

I followed this with a run to work in 16-degree darkness with a brisk 16 mph wind blowing in my face out of the north. Cold. Dark. Pain.

I'm back on the pseudo-Paleo wagon with minor indiscretions including a sprinkling of shredded cheese here and there and a cold Fat Tire with my steak at D'Arcy's Pint.

Lastly, Brotherhood-wise I've been holding my own for a solid 10 days now. Love me some seeds!

Here's a little peek at the subject of my upcoming story about Hero: click here for a photo page from his recent half-marathon!

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