Tuesday, January 5, 2010

WOD 1/5/10

21-15-9 For Time
(Joe and Doug)

Air Squats
Box Jumps

The running to work in the bone-chilling cold is awesome. I've layered up and stayed toasty warm the last 2 days. The only hitch is the cold makes my eyes water and then my eyelashes freeze together so I try to blink fast.

The Paleo Pursuit is so-so, but I've done a reasonable job staying off the Skoal. I'm trying to moderate my caloric intake because I know I've got a big pizza-and-beer night coming up on Saturday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw a young girl running this morning (2 degrees, kind of windy), but it was not enough to shame me into running! She has to be better than that.