Monday, November 16, 2009


Today's blog entry is about Operation Iron Cross and the importance of giving back. The title of this entry and the permanent link on the top right of this page takes you to Melissa Urban's blog entry regarding Operation Iron Cross. Melissa, Dallas and a bunch of other Crossfit Community folks are heading to Afghanistan to do a Crossfit Certification, provide Paleo food and general training to a bunch of our Armed Forces stationed there. It's a great idea, a patriotic effort and just plain "the right thing" to do. So, like Melissa, I've never asked anyone to pony up anything in support of Possum Corner, but now I'm asking. I know there's a lot of poverty and need in the world and I know a lot of you probably give to a variety of causes you are passionate about. Hell, Doug gives almost all his free time to the Park Board and the Angel of Hope and should serve as an inspiration to us all! But if you could hit that link and give $5 or more to the cause I would consider it a personal favor to me.

Also, in the spirit of giving back, how about leaving a comment or two on this blog every now and then. You have to be logged in and then you simply click on the "Comments" link below to give me a little encouragement, suggestion or stick-in-the-eye toward my personal goal of running and finishing the OT100. I'd really appreciate it. Also, if you know someone else who would benefit from a little motivation or would be willing to motivate me, pass on a link to my blog. Again, I'd really appreciate it.

I'll get back to your regular program, already in progress tomorrow, but I will continue to harp on you all to give to Operation Iron Cross via a little note at the bottom of each post from now until the time the Crossfit folks leave for Afghanistan. Thanks!


Chia said...

Good workout this morning !!

Unknown said...

Sorry I missed the xfit workout this morning, I did get 100 burpees in this afternoon. Awesome link Joe, I am in, what an outstanding project.