Saturday, December 5, 2009

Taste The Pain

Yikes! Did I go off the reservation last night or what! We had our first winter neighborhood get-together at BWW last night and I ate and drank like a total pig.

Over the course of 2 hours I consumed:
5 servings of Fat Tire @ 159 kcal/ea = 795 kcal
12 boneless wings @ 88 kcal/ea = 1056 kcal
1851 kcal consumed in 2 hours!

And....wait for it...3 dips of Skoal, FFS!

I don't know how to rationalize this behavior or rectify it with my stated goal of better nutrition to improve my running. Moreover, this was the 4th night in a row of dining out, which means eating late, which for mean means waking up at 3:00 a.m. with an aching gut. (I'm writing this at 0430 Saturday, I've been up since 0315).

I had the sense to throw out the can of Skoal last night but recovering from eating and drinking like that means a Coke and a plate of spicy/greasy food for me. So, I just polished off a plate of bacon and a cheddar cheese omelet smothered in Frank's Hot Sauce and washed it down with an ice cold Coke. In 90 minutes I head out into the 19-degree predawn darkness to run 20 miles with Steve and Doug. Taste The Pain.

I love my friends and neighbors and thoroughly enjoyed each of my nights out this week, but I can't continue to do this and hope to be successful at training for something like the OT100. Somebody, for the love of God, help me!


Unknown said...

Instead of calling it 12 wings,,,just call it 1 dozen. Sounds much better and probably loses a couple of calories when you group it???? Maybe........

Joe Miller said...

@dad There's more wisdom in your words than you know.

Since the "one dozen" wings decided to exit my GI tract as a unit, quite violently I might add, approximately 2.5 hours in to my 3.5 hour run, necessitating a mad scramble off the trail and into the woods, I think it's reasonable to log their previous intake as a single event!

Chia said...

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. -Kenji Miyazawa, poet and story writer (1896-1933)