Sunday, February 28, 2010


Yikes! Another week gone by and no blog entries! Here's a quick recap.

Last Saturday I did the KRR 28-mile Fat Ass trail run in miserable conditions. Only 4 of us, out of 137 runners, chose to complete the whole 28.4 miles. Awesome mental training and good experience overall.

I recovered with an hour of spinning on Sunday then took Monday off.

Tuesday I simply ran to work.

Wednesday I did a Tabata workout in the garage and then ran to work.

Thursday I did our 10-minute abs routine, ran 5 miles and then ran to work.

Then on Friday I snuck in an hour of spinning at Memorial Medical Center's resident's gym while I was on call.

Saturday was an off day for me and today I did 5 miles worth of loops around our block, lugging my pager and cell phone, while on call.

Chia churned out a great finish time at the Hustle Up the Hancock in Chicago this morning. 93 flights of fun! I'll let her tell you about that herself!

Tomorrow will be a Crossfit day at 0530 at Possum Corner and I'm planning to run to work every day this week, barring any on-call catastrophes!

My paleo diet quest has been crap since I came back from Key West. Maybe Ed's gut made me think I had some room to indulge! Anyway, I've been getting too many carbs while still controlling my total caloric intake. This means of course (robbing Peter to pay Paul) that I'm not getting my goal of 150 gms of protein regularly. The last 4 days have been under 100 gms of carbs though so I'm hopeful that's in hand again.

Since most everything else is going well, of course I've fallen completely off the tobacco wagon and have a week of on and off dipping. It started after the Fat Ass and my post-race gut stuffing re-feed. I always want a dip after a big, hot, cheesy pizza or D'arcy's pony shoe and feel like I deserve it after a hard-day's run. Gotta change that mindset somehow!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


50 minutes on the stationary bike while watching the Canadian women spank the Swedes in ice hockey. Cold is still kicking my butt and I'm taking it easy because of the 28-mile Fat Ass run on Saturday. Maybe back to running outside tomorrow. We'll see.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

WOD 021410

So I squeaked out a little 5-miler on the treadmill in the residents' gym at Memorial Medical Center in the afternoon. I've been nursing a head cold the last 4 days so laying low on the workouts. Doug and I were talking about that the other day (working out when you're sick) because he's got the germ factory at his house, though she's a cute germ factory. I've always thought or been told I guess that as long as the cold is in your head and not your chest you should work out/run. I'd be interested in hearing any other thoughts, pro or con. My feeling, I guess, is how I feel on any given day. I mean I think I run or work out enough that if I'm sick and need a day off there's no harm done. Right?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

WOD 020910

(Joe and Doug)
Tabata #3
Upright plate rows
Leg lifts
Plate Thrusters
DB Curls
X-knee crunches
DB push press

Chia knocked out her usual Tuesday Cyclefit (and then ran?) and I continued after the Tabata with my run to work through the new-fallen snow. Very nice! Doug meanwhile skipped the last set of the Tabata and went to shovel snow! Another great day of workouts in our quest to NUT UP!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturday & Sunday 020610 & 020710

Saturday: Did 1-hour on the Mag Trainer while watching the DVD "District 9". Did OK on nutrition until we hit Lonestar for chili and I had a cheeseburger, fries and 2 Amstel Lights to wash it down! No Skoal though, so there's that!

Sunday: Did 20 mile run with Chia going along for the first of 4 loops around our usual 5-mile Tophill trail loop. A couple of decent hills and some good cold, pain-type suffering. The best part was actually running by my house 3 times, and even going in to use the bathroom and down a Stinger Gel and still persevering in the cold and snow. You just can't buy that kind of mental training.

Speaking of mental training, while on my little excursion to the Keys last weekend I read "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell. It's a great book, easy to read and a great story about great Americans. I highly recommend it. Anyway, while running and suffering today I couldn't help but think about the SEALs in this book and what they went through on that mountain in Afghanistan and even what it took just to become a SEAL, as Luttrell so eloquently details in the first half of the book. I just could not quit today while thinking about all those guys did.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

WOD 020410

(Joe and Chia)

2 minutes each of:
plate thrusters
leg lifts
renegade rows
flutter kicks
narrow pushups

Back to the Paleo thing, the no-Skoal thing and the working out religously after a 5-day bender in Key West. Great time with Ed and Rob and good to see all the old places, some old faces and some new crap. But now, down to serious preparation for sailing(?), return to Key West in June (?) and of course the OT100!