Sunday, February 28, 2010


Yikes! Another week gone by and no blog entries! Here's a quick recap.

Last Saturday I did the KRR 28-mile Fat Ass trail run in miserable conditions. Only 4 of us, out of 137 runners, chose to complete the whole 28.4 miles. Awesome mental training and good experience overall.

I recovered with an hour of spinning on Sunday then took Monday off.

Tuesday I simply ran to work.

Wednesday I did a Tabata workout in the garage and then ran to work.

Thursday I did our 10-minute abs routine, ran 5 miles and then ran to work.

Then on Friday I snuck in an hour of spinning at Memorial Medical Center's resident's gym while I was on call.

Saturday was an off day for me and today I did 5 miles worth of loops around our block, lugging my pager and cell phone, while on call.

Chia churned out a great finish time at the Hustle Up the Hancock in Chicago this morning. 93 flights of fun! I'll let her tell you about that herself!

Tomorrow will be a Crossfit day at 0530 at Possum Corner and I'm planning to run to work every day this week, barring any on-call catastrophes!

My paleo diet quest has been crap since I came back from Key West. Maybe Ed's gut made me think I had some room to indulge! Anyway, I've been getting too many carbs while still controlling my total caloric intake. This means of course (robbing Peter to pay Paul) that I'm not getting my goal of 150 gms of protein regularly. The last 4 days have been under 100 gms of carbs though so I'm hopeful that's in hand again.

Since most everything else is going well, of course I've fallen completely off the tobacco wagon and have a week of on and off dipping. It started after the Fat Ass and my post-race gut stuffing re-feed. I always want a dip after a big, hot, cheesy pizza or D'arcy's pony shoe and feel like I deserve it after a hard-day's run. Gotta change that mindset somehow!

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