Sunday, November 29, 2009

4-Day Thanksgiving Recap

Sorry for the lack of posting the last few days. I've been on call since Thursday and though call-wise it's been relatively civil, I've neglected the blog (and a few other thing).

On Friday, post-Turkey Day gluttony, I managed to squeak out a 5-miler around the Glenwood 'hood while carting my pager and cell phone, after a day of operating. I cheated a little Paleo-wise with a single Fat Tire and a handful of dark chocolate-covered cranberries. Probably the biggest excursion was my meandering back into the Brotherhood with 3 or 4 dips before discarding the rest of the can. That's a typical pattern of my dysfunctional dipping.

Saturday did not turn out a whole lot better, with excursion outside Paleo Land including another single Fat Tire, 3 or 4 dips from ANOTHER new can of Skoal and...wait for it...a brownie with Vanilla Haagen Daz (yikes! as Boon would say). Throw in the crackers with cranberry-covered goat cheese and you've got yourself an entirely blown day nutrition-wise. I did crank out a sweet 20 minutes on the Versaclimber, which if you've never tried it, is no small feat. (here's the Versaclimber Website) That was clearly the saving grace to another crappy day in my OT100 training!

So what to do now? We'll I've got to get back on the Paleo wagon and be more disciplined about logging my food. Not just to count calories, but moreover to make sure I'm getting adequate protein and fat and controlling my carbohydrates like I know I should.

Speaking of Paleo, for anyone familiar with Robb Wolf, his nutrition research and his involvement with the Crossfit community, there apparently was an incident at the Crossfit Blackbox Summit that resulted in ouster from the community. Check his blog on the subject if you care to:

The Black Box Summit Or How I Got Fired from the CrossFit Nutrition Certification

One last thing. This issue of Outside Magazine is (partially) devoted to people devoted to changing the world for the better through their passions; sailing, kayaking, biking, mountaineering. I'm kicking around the idea of tying my OT100 race to fund raising for my favorite charitable organization Guardian Angel Basset Rescue. I know there's a lot of good causes out there and a lot of people vying for everyone's charitable gifts right now, so I'm curious to know what everyone thinks about my turning the ultramarathon into a fund raising effort. I was thinking of something along the lines of "100 Miles, 100 donations of 100 dollars." Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think about that.

Oh, and (really) one last thing. So far this blog has 7 "followers" listed on the right-hand side. I would like everyone's help in spreading the word about "Nut Up or Shut Up" to others that might find it interesting, have something to contribute to my motivation, or just like to heckle me from the safety of the internet. Thanks for that in advance.


Chia said...

Love the idea of the "100" fundraiser! Maybe you do the running and let the donors pick their charity ? ...

Unknown said...

Be careful what you ask for...I am on Facebook now and if I give the homeies something else to blog about you might be sorry!!

Joe Miller said...

@jilldsteiner Well, not just anyone!

@chia I like that too.

Unknown said...

Well Dr. Light won't be my friend anyway....